Wednesday, June 23, 2021


    Last week we went to California to visit our son and his family.  He and his wife have two precious little boys ages, 5 and 3.  After being apart for almost a year and a half, my husband and I were  very excited to spend time together with them.  Erik and Robin had planned all sorts of adventures for the six of us.  We went to the Pacific Ocean beaches where we built sand castles, found jellyfish and crabs and had lunch at a restaurant overlooking the water.  We went camping in the Santa Monica Mountains, swam in Robin's parents swimming pool, went to a trampoline park, to a regular park, and played endless games of Candyland, Go Kitty, Slapjack, and War.  In addition we sat in a circle and told stories many times, played with glow in the dark "Thinking Putty", went for hikes, ate great food and did many more activities.  

    By the end of the week,  John and I were exhausted but completely happy and satisfied!  We had done what we had hoped to do.  We had spent a delightful time with our children and grandchildren.  But,  not only that,  we were given the privilege of entering into their lives if only for a few days.

    As we were waiting to get on the plane to fly home, I looked at the many, many pictures I had taken from those days and a feeling of thankfulness and joy washed over me.  I was already lonely for my son, his wife, and those two energetic and funny little boys but even in the sadness of leaving, I realized that I needed to cherish my memories more than bemoan the fact that it was over.  

    I began to think about the word....delight.  No matter what was going on or what we were doing, I had been delighted just to be there surrounded by my babies.  None of them had to perform a certain way.  We wouldn't have had to do all the fun things that we did in order for me to have that feeling.  I was simply.......delighting in their presence.  Their company was enough.  They filled my heart to overflowing by just "being".    

     Too often when I think about the Lord, my Father, I feel like I need to follow certain rules or behave in a refined way in order for Him to like me when the truth is just the opposite!  He loves me just reason other than I am His child.  He just wants to be an important part of my life and to spend time with me.   Through no goodness of mine, He delights in me.  Amazing!!!

     The other thing is this.....The Lord God feels the same about you!

Psalm 147:11 says, "The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love."

                                                                                Have a good day!  

                                                                                      Love, Sue