Sunday, April 7, 2013

Super Grandma

I love my grandchildren and often try to meet both their needs and desires when they come to visit.  Usually, that means that we make a special breakfast, play a game of Skip-Bo or make a fort in the dining room. But one time, I outdid myself and entered into the "super-grandma" mode!

Gabe had just received a new spider Lego set shortly before coming to visit our house.  At seven, he was still too young to read all of the involved directions that came with the box so Sarah, his mom, lay down on the floor to help him.  Shortly, the multitude of little plastic pieces began to resemble a spider and Gabe was excited.

The lazy afternoon sun streamed through the leaded glass window above the piano creating sparkling little prisms of light.  While waiting for his mom to plan his next move, Gabe spent his time gazing at the rainbows they created.  “Look, Grandma!  Look!” he exclaimed, “You gave my spider it’s very own web!  It’s beautiful!  He’ll love to live there! Thank you, Grandma!”

I couldn’t imagine what he was talking about until I spotted it.  There in the archway between the dining room and the living room was a magnificently large and intricately beautiful spider web!

Proudly I replied,   “You’re sure welcome, Gabe!  I’m just thinking of you because I love you!!!”

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine but a broken spirit dries up the bones.”  Proverbs 17:22

Enjoy today for all it is worth!  I challenge you to look around with fresh eyes for the blessings that surround you.  They are there even in the darkest moments if we just look!   Sometimes they are hidden in spider webs!
       Have a good day!  Love, Sue

1 comment:

  1. grandma, you have the best memory!!!!! I didn't remember that!
