Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Pastor Rissmiller

Number 5 on my list of most memorable sermons is....

   The fall after I graduated from high school I made my way out to Seattle, Washington to attend the Lutheran Bible Institute.  LBI was a wonderful place in the early 1970's filled with teachers and students who loved Jesus and wanted to grow deeper in their walk with Him.  Every day we had a chapel service and they were usually good.  The only one that I really remember almost 50 years later  though was given by one of the professors, Pastor Rissmiller.  Pastor Rissmiller was one of the Old Testament teachers and made even the difficult to read book of Leviticus come alive for his
    On this particular day, the students entered the chapel and sat down.  Usually there was a pastor, teacher, or special speaker up front.  This day no one was there and no one appeared.  Eventually a deep, rich voice sounded over the loudspeakers.  The voice began to speak, "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes'"....At first we were not sure what was going on but after a couple of minutes we all sat back and listened intently as Pastor Rissmiller read the entire book of First John from the New Testament.  Since there was nothing to look at, no one person to concentrate on, the words of that book penetrated deeply.  It was one of the most poignant sermons I have ever heard and there were no other words said, save the words of Scripture.  When he was done reading, we all filed out of the chapel and went on our way.
    Sometimes I wish all pastors would take a lesson from this man.  Sometimes we all need to hear the words of Scripture as they really are.  They are powerful all on their own.....The living, breathing Word of God!!!

                                                   Have a good day!  Love, Sue

1 John 1:4   " And these things we write to you that your joy may be full."

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