Monday, January 13, 2020

Caleb's Game

    Back and forth, back and forth.  Two teams of children giving all they had to get points up on the score board.  This basketball game was a bit lopsided but it was entertaining none the less.
    Earlier that day we had brought our grandson, Caleb to downtown Minneapolis to play in a fifth/sixth grade basketball tournament.  When we got there, we discovered that Caleb's team of 9 and 10 year old boys was going to try and defeat a group of 12 and 13 year old kids.  Standing beside our little boys, the other team looked monstrous!  They  were all at least a head taller than our team and occasionally much more than that. Height is quite an advantage when playing basketball!!!!
    Caleb and the rest of the boys went out on the floor to begin  the game.  John and I looked at each other with dread in our eyes.  How in the world could these little boys pull off the impossible against these giants!!!  We saw no hope and cheered and cheered regardless.  Maybe our enthusiasm could inspire a miracle!
    The game began and we watched in horror as the other team made basket after basket after basket.  The score ratcheted  upwards in their favor.  I closely watched my little grandson for a look of defeat on his face.  He hadn't given up yet and kept trying and trying to practice what he had learned of the game so far.  Soon Caleb made a basket and then another!  Four points on the board!!!  We began to believe that maybe it was possible.....could they defeat these enemies of their success?  We cheered harder and harder.   Caleb and the other boys were dripping in sweat as they struggled to win.
     The game was over and we had lost.  I can't remember for sure what the final tally was but I think that the score was 57 to 6.  A possible devastating loss to my sweet little grandson!  He came running off of the floor, gulped some water from his bottle and grabbed his coat.  I was a bit worried that he was waiting until we were alone to cry in frustration so John and I were just about to start saying every platitude we could think of (good game, you did your best, it will be better next time, etc., etc.) when ........
    Caleb turned to us, his red face flush with exertion and proclaimed, "WOW!  That was sure FUN!!!!!!!!"
    Amazing!  That was not what we expected to hear!  Then, as I looked at his triumphant and excited expression I realized that he had won!  He had faced a huge challenge and tried his best.  He was exhausted but feeling victorious in his defeat because of that little truth.
    Too often I look at the obstacles that I face in life and feel like giving up before I begin.  I am trying to remember that being successful or victorious in every challenge that comes my way is not the point.  The point is to remember that Jesus is with me and that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".  I don't have to be perfect.  I need only to be willing and give each trial my fierce determination to maintain a right attitude.  I need to show up and "try" in life.   I am not alone on this path of life.  I have the Lord who not only gives me strength but joy....flush, red faced type joy...., in every situation.  Then I am victorious!
                                                                                         Have a good day!
                                                                                          Love, Sue

       Philippians 4:13,  Nehemiah 8:10

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