Sunday, January 19, 2020

Take a breath

    Many years ago our oldest son struggled with bouts of allergies and croup.  I remember one night when he was 3 years old.  He woke up from a fitful sleep unable to breathe.   John and I quickly bundled him up and got him ready to go to the hospital.  It was extremely cold outside, well below zero.  As soon as John carried Carl outside though, his breathing stabilized and clear, cold air flowed freely through his lungs!  After going to the emergency room, John found out that simply bringing our little boy into the cold air could help him breathe freely for a few minutes.
     In the vitriolic atmosphere of the Trump impeachment debate,  I have grown weary.  I have tried to take in all points of view.  I have tried to be fair and listen to CNN, MSNBC, and FOX news.  Also, over the years, I have read a lot of  autobiographies by past presidents and their wives on BOTH sides of the aisle. I prefer listening to their own words and ideas and motivations without hearsay.  I have learned that they were all human with strengths and weaknesses.  They were neither all bad nor all good.
    So, at this time of anger and divisiveness, I wish....that every elected official would go outside and TAKE A BREATH!!!!!  I pray that the clear, cold air of truth would surround them and cause each of them to breathe freely and think clearly.   I hope that their  brains would receive a fresh dose of clarity.  Afterwards they could go back inside, examine the evidence and discuss it without bias instead of an already assumed conviction of either right or wrong.
    I pray that they would remember that we are all citizens of the same country.  To quote C.S. Lewis in "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", (he says something to this effect)...."Let's save our strength for fighting our enemies!  We are friends."

                                                       Have a good day!  Love, Sue

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