Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Swish! Snap! Pop!

    Swish!  Snap! Pop! Crackle!  The night sky was alive!  I looked up as the entire sky lit up with every color imaginable!  Streaks of pink, orange, yellow, green, purple and and a multitude of their various hues erupted in bursts of magnificent fireworks!  Only this was unlike any fireworks display that I had ever encountered before. It seemed as if each eruption brought with it a kind of unworldly music.
    I quickly ran inside our house to grab John and Rachel.  I wanted them to share this unusual event with me.  Living in Minnesota, I had often seen the Northern Lights.  In the fall, they could occasionally be seen on the northern horizon where they appeared to be far, far, away.  Strangely, tonight they seemed to have come to visit us.  They were located directly overhead and  created a private magical wonderland for us to enjoy.  We stood for a long while straining our necks trying to discover where these brilliant strokes of color went to as they flashed their way from what seemed to be their starting point right above our stately pine trees to a  never ending place above us. The dancing flames of light went up and up and up!  Twenty, thirty or more of them filled the sky at one time before pausing for a split second and continuing their awe-inspiring show.
   Eventually our necks grew sore and demanded that we take a break.  We went over to a nearby hill, laid down on the grassy slope, and continued to gaze in wonder at this amazing scene.  The lights seemed to get brighter and brighter the longer we watched but after an hour or so we grew cold and regrettably had to go back inside.
    I wish that I had the ability to recreate that night.  Mere words cannot capture the magnificence of it  or convey the overwhelming onslaught to our senses.  Today, think of one of the most amazing things that you have ever experienced and remember this.....

                                                "The heavens are telling the glory of God;
                                                And the firmament proclaims his
                                                                         Psalm 19:1

                                                "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard.
                                                Nor have entered into the heart of man
                                                The things which God has
                                                 prepared for those who love Him."
                                                                          1 Cor. 2:9

                                                  Have a good day!  Love, Sue


  1. Hi Sue! So glad Carl posted this on his FB so I could find out! I also started blogging a year ago: Children of the Valley. I remember us sharing about this experience and also mine with the northern lights. You are a very good writer - bless you! Vivian

  2. You captured that beautifully! Hope you get a chance to visit us soon! Linda
