Saturday, January 18, 2020

Finding hope

    Fifteen years ago my teenage daughter and I were in a bad car accident.  The result was a lot of pain and broken bones and multiple surgeries for both of us.  It was a difficult time.  I not only had physical problems but I also dealt with the fact that I had caused the crash so all of Rachel's pain was ultimately my fault.
    As a parent, I had spent most of my adult life caring for my children.  It was my single most important task, an assignment from the Lord that I tried to take very seriously.  Now, my baby had to undergo all sorts of things that caused her pain, physically, mentally, and emotionally and it was all because I had failed to protect her.
    It took time to heal.  We were both able to continue life and go forward but both of us have physical challenges that have continued to impact our lives daily.  To her ultimate credit, Rachel forgave me for my part in her pain and has become a truly impressive woman who radiates joy.
 I have been so thankful for that forgiveness.  It has been a gift to me even as I deal with the physical ramifications caused by the accident.
    Even though the accident was terrible and awful and the results long lasting, in many ways I am so glad to have had it.  I know that sounds ridiculous but I have learned so much from that experience.  In some ways I feel like it has been tremendously good for me.
   Shortly after one of the subsequent surgeries on my foot, at a time when I was still in a non-weight bearing walking cast and feeling just a wee bit sorry for myself, I went to a wedding.  The church was beautiful and festive.  There were about eight to ten steps in front of the altar area where the bride and groom would give their vows.  Impressive to be sure but definitely not handicap accessible.
   The time came for the Scripture reading.  The man chosen by the couple to do the reading began to make his way out of his seat and up the steps to the lectern.  I was seated very close to the front and had a perfect view of the man as he struggled up step by slow step.  It was obvious that he suffered from some lifelong disability.  I'm not sure what  the specific problem was but his legs didn't work well and it was very hard for him to climb those steps.
    It was at that point that I felt a major shift in my thinking.  I began to thank the Lord for being with me in the midst of everything.  Before the accident I would have felt moved with compassion.  Now, instead of just feeling bad,  I realized the emotional strength of the man and admired his determination. I was blessed by the love he displayed to the young couple as shown by the exertion he put forth to honor them.  I was inspired by him.  He was not allowing his affliction to define him nor was he living in self pity.  His willing bravery helped me to "see" his situation in a way that I might have missed before and gave me more insight into my own life. 
     There are all sorts of afflictions in life.  Hurts and wounds can be physical, verbal. emotional. financial, or they can come in a wide array of other areas.They can be devastating or just plain old annoying.   Pain in any of it's vast forms affects all of us.  Nobody is immune.  We live in a fallen world.
    BUT......our problems, big or small, can be used for our ultimate good.  God's  goal for us is to purify our hearts, to teach us how to love and trust Him.  When we come to Him in repentance He proclaims that He will absolutely, positively never leave us alone.
     Like Andre Crouch's song says..."If I'd never had a problem, I wouldn't know that God could solve them, I wouldn't know what faith in God can do.  Through it all I have learned to trust in Jesus, I have learned to trust in God.  I have learned to depend upon His Word."
    I love old hymns.  One that continues to help me in my Christian walk was written in 1882 by Louisa Stead  after a great personal loss.
                                   "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
                                     Just to take Him at His Word;
                                     Just to rest upon His promise;
                                     Just to know "Thus saith the Lord!"

                                     Jesus, Jesus. How I love Him!
                                     How I've proved Him o'er and o'er!
                                     Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus
                                     Oh for grace to trust Him more!"

                                              Have a good day!  Love, Sue

  Deuteronomy 31:6  Be strong and of good courage, do not fear or be afraid of them, for the Lord  your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you !"                                                 
  Psalm 27

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