Saturday, January 4, 2020


I have not written on this blog for a very long time.  I constantly compose lines in my head describing  events in my life both big and small. the time I get around to writing those lines down I have either forgotten them or decided that they weren't all that great anyway. 
Consequently,  I have not written here for a very, very long time!

I have decided to change.  A few months ago, my son asked me why I never wrote on the blog anymore.  I told him that my reason was that so very few people read it anyway that it felt kind of silly to write it.  Although I'm not sure that that was the entire reason, his reply cut to the quick of my heart.  "But Mom, I always read it and I check it often to see if you've written anything new."

My son lives 1500 miles away and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of him!  I have four children and they all live too far away from me for daily or weekly interaction but I think of all of them each day.  .  (My husband claims them too but these are my thoughts, not his, right now,)   I would like to talk with each of them many times a day but since they are all adults and have busy lives of their own I don't try to do that.  I try occasionally to send them short texts and when I need to talk, I call or text them to call me.  I want them to be strong, independent people but there are times when I miss the daily knowledge of what is going on in their lives.

The other day this same son called.  He had been in the hospital for two days in a coma.  He couldn't remember the previous week of his life.  As of right now, the diagnosis is uncertain.  I hope and pray that there is a simple reason for this for sure!!!  It was distressing to hear him express his frustration and puzzlement over this strange turn of events.  He has had to deal with lots of health issues over the years and  and this last one topped them all for strangeness.  As his mom I wanted to fix it and to care for him like when he was my little boy.  At forty years old though I know that neither he nor his wife would appreciate that effort.  As I thought over what I could do, the most obvious was to pray and ask the Lord to care for him and to heal him, to comfort him and his wife as they look to the immediate future.  I pray that the Lord will bless them richly especially in hard times.

As I continued to think and pray, I decided that maybe it was time to honor his request that I restart writing this blog.  So, my dear son, Carl, here it goes....... again......


  1. I remembered to read your blog! Thanks for doing it again;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey, Sue! Carl put a facebook post up about your blogs, and I, too, will read them! You've always had a knack for telling a good story via your pen, and I'm overjoyed to join your fan club! :)
