Thursday, March 21, 2013

Amazing Day

Of all the days of your life, which ones do you remember?  I have many days that I can recall bits and pieces from but I have only a handful of entire days that were truly memorable from start to finish.  One of those times occurred in July of 1994.  My husband and I, along with some of our children traveled down the coast of Washington state to a campground near the town of Ilwaco.  After we set up our travel trailer in the state park, we climbed over a ridge to play on the Pacific Ocean beach.  We also arranged to go ocean fishing the next day.

Before sunrise the next morning we drove to Ilwaco and boarded the charter fishing boat.  Once aboard, my four year old daughter, Rachel and I sat inside but my husband, John and our sons, Carl and Erik perched outside near the front of the boat as we made our way past the mouth of the Columbia River.   The water was very, very bumpy and we all began to wonder if we would be able to last throughout the entire day!  But, we soon passed over that area where hundreds of early ships had lost their battles and, with relative ease, we launched into the great unknown - the great Pacific! 

As the fishing boat went a short way out to sea, a school of dolphins leaped through the water along side the boat.  Birds swished by and the sun slowly burned off the light fog that encompassed us.  Finally we were at our destination and the boys let out their lines.  I don’t remember what was caught exactly but I do remember someone on the boat caught a small shark and another person caught a skate.  All of it was very unusual and exciting. 

After we got back to shore and took our catch to the trailer to eat, we slipped back to the same beach from the night before and built sandcastles.  Shortly before sunset, we raced to the end of the beach and climbed a short ridge to the base of the lighthouse that guards the harbor at Ilwaco.  When we got to the top, a blazing sunset was forming to the West across the Pacific.  We stood on the steps of the lighthouse and sang songs about sunsets.  I know that it sounds kind of corny but as I write this, it is hard to express what a truly magical time that was.  I have rarely felt so at peace and full of joy. 

The sun was down and we realized to our dismay that we didn’t have a flashlight or any way to see our way back to our little home away from home.  Reluctantly, I followed the kids and John through a very dark path in the woods. Night was quickly upon us so we kind of half felt/half stumbled our way along.  At one point in the impeding darkness John whispered, “Quiet!  Look there!”  Through the trees we could barely make out the shapes of a herd of deer standing watching us.

  Finally, we made it to the small camp road and I knew that we were only a block or two from our campsite.  As we began to walk, my son, Carl, who at fifteen was now taller than I, reached back and grabbed my hand.  For a few minutes we held hands as we walked and talked in the darkness.  I remember thinking that I needed to consciously cherish this time because he was fast becoming a man.

We continued walking until we found our trailer.  We climbed into our beds and the children quickly fell asleep.  In the few minutes before I too shut my eyes, I remember thinking that it had been one of the best days of my life.  And so it was….

Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and that more abundantly.”   John 10:10. 

                                                       Have a good day!  Love, Sue

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