Saturday, March 23, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cookies

I love chocolate chip cookies!  I especially love them fresh out of the oven when the chips are soft and gooey and the delicious smell of warm chocolate lingers in the air. I am immediately transported to my childhood. 

My mother created a loving home filled with lots of good food but no other culinary memory left such a lasting impression as this one.  Many times I remember running up the steps of our house after school and as I got closer to the door, my senses would be attacked with the intoxicating fragrances coming from inside.  I would enter the kitchen and see warm chocolate chip cookies sitting on the cooling racks waiting for my siblings and me to gobble them up.   While the smell was delightful, the taste was sublime!

Perhaps because of this, I love to bake cookies for my own children and grandchildren.

One day, as my grandchildren were playing downstairs, I quickly threw together a batch of these delectable morsels.  The kids would periodically run up the stairs to see if they were ready yet but my answer would always be, "I'll call you when they’re ready.  Go play!" 

When all was prepared, I stacked a dinner plate full of cookies and set them on the dining room table.  I called for the kids to come and waited for them as I finished cleaning up my mess. 

Only one child came immediately.  Caleb, age two, saw the cookies and sat down directly in front of them.  His eyes grew large as he gazed at the treat before him.  Grabbing one, he took a bite and I heard a satisfying sigh escape his lips.

Selma and Gabe came running into the room and tried to snatch a cookie off the plate.  Caleb reached out and swatted their hands away from the full plate as he cried, “No! Mine!  All mine!”

"Grandma!"  I heard the wails fly.  "Caleb won't let us have a cookie!"

I glanced at Caleb and realized that the look of satisfaction on his face was a result of believing that the entire heaping mound of cookies was for him and him alone!  There was no way that I was going to destroy that look of pure delight so I promised the other two their own full to overflowing plate of cookies.  They went downstairs and continued to play while they waited for me to deliver them. 

As I took the rest of the cookies out of the oven and placed them on the cooling racks, I thought about how much joy it gives me to bless, richly bless, my grandchildren.  If I, as a lowly human grandmother feel that way, how much more does the all-mighty, all-knowing, all-loving, all-caring Father in heaven want to bless us, His children!

“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”
Ephesians 3:17-19

                                                 Have a good day!   Love, Sue

1 comment:

  1. FRESH chocolate chip cookies, MMMM MMMM!!!!!!
