Monday, March 11, 2013

Fallen Branch

One fall afternoon I went for a walk with my three youngest grandchildren along the gravel road adjacent to our yard.  We followed it for a quarter of a mile to the pond.  Once there, four year old Caleb excitedly made his way onto a large fallen birch tree.  The base was still submerged in the water with the trunk lying perpendicular to the road.  Since the tree branch ended about four feet off the ground and in the pond besides, I cautioned him to go no farther than a certain point because I didn't want him to fall.  He replied, “Oh, don’t worry about me, Grandma.  I’m a strong kid - I’m just like Spiderman!!!!!!”  Confidence in his own athletic ability exuded from his little body.

As I turned to help two year old Seth, I heard a thud and a yowl.  Sure enough, there was Caleb on the ground just inches from the water, crying.  Five year old Selma and I got him back to the road, dusted him off and haphazardly made it back home....

Two days later, Selma, Caleb and I went for another walk to the same place.  The weather was perfect with sunny skies and the wonderful smell of fall in the air.  Caleb ran ahead of us and gently climbed onto the fallen branch.  This time I heard him call out, "It's O.K., Grandma, don't worry about me!  I am sooooooo sorry that I disobeyed you.  I went too far and I fell.  I am sooooooooo sorry!  I promise I will only go this far!"  With that he stopped, firmly planted his small feet on the branch, turned, and smiled at me with no fear of reprisal or discipline....just an honest little heart admitting his wrong and expectantly accepting forgiveness.   

A few minutes later we sat on another log as Selma and Caleb helped me to enter a magical imaginary world of outer space adventure.  As the kids chased from the "doggy" planet to the "kitten" planet in our “supersonic spaceship”, I sat there pondering the amazing truth that I had just witnessed.  Caleb had confessed his disobedience with a heart that was determined to do right from here on.  He had expected to be forgiven because he was truly sorry for what he had done.  He recognized the consequences of his sin and had no desire to repeat them.   When he looked over at me and gave me a big toothy grin, he was making sure that he was forgiven and from then on he did not worry or keep asking me to forgive him.  He changed his ways and forgot about any problem.  He was happy and joyful and enjoyed the rest of the day!
Truly, that is why Jesus died on the cross – and why we celebrate Easter.   He came to give us the way in which we can come to Him and receive total and complete loving forgiveness.  No matter how many times we disobey and fall, no matter how wrong we have been, or the mess we have made in our lives, no matter how wrapped up in the cares of this world; if we ask, He is always there to pick us up, dust us off and lovingly offer us a helping hand. Not only does He offer help and forgiveness for today but He also gives us the hope of true life with Him in eternity!  We have only to ask and surrender our lives to Him. 
                    GOD SAYS;
                                             Have a good day!  Love, Sue

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