Sunday, March 10, 2013

Self Sufficiency Run Amok

My daughter Sarah called the other night and relayed this story to me.....

My three year old grandson Seth likes to color and draw but frequently the paper slides around on the table so Sarah uses painters tape and secures it.  One day, Seth found his own tape and tried to attach his paper to the table.  His mom glanced over at him and discovered that he had made a horrible mess.  Clear, sticky Scotch tape was everywhere and his little hands were entangled in it.  "Oh, Sethie, can I help you?" she exclaimed.

With a strong, determined ring to his normally sweet little voice, he said, "

No, I can hanno (handle) this myself!"
Big sister, Selma, came around the corner, saw what was going on and grabbed the tape away from him.  "Come on, Seth, I'll help you."
Defiantly and with anger in his voice, he ripped the tape back from her and loudly yelled, "I hanno this MYSELF!"
Sarah laughingly said that at that moment she had a vision of what we must look like to God the Father. We try to be self-sufficient and handle life in our own way when all the time a simple request for His help would yield all we would need.

          God says,

“My grace is sufficient for you.  My power is made perfect in your weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

                                         Have a good day!  Love, Sue

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