Friday, July 19, 2013

How To Have a Happy Wife

Sweat trickled down my back as the scorching sun beat fiercely onto the black tarpaper causing the temperature to soar to over a hundred degrees on this hot summer day.  I had been atop the roof for a few hours helping my husband replace the shingles.  It was a dirty job and I felt grubby and smelly.  My favorite old stained pink shirt and faded jeans were now covered in a thin layer of dirt and grime.  Obviously I was not going to win any contest for beauty or fashion in the near future.

As John and I stood up straight for a moment to give our aging backs a needed break, I took the opportunity to start a conversation.  As I started to speak a slow smile began to cover my husband's face.  "What is it?"  I asked.

"You are just so cute!  The color of your shirt makes your face light up and the way your hair blows in the breeze...You look so beautiful right now!"  His smile turned quickly into a grin.  "I love you so much!"

My heart melted.  My husband of forty years still found me attractive even in the most unattractive of circumstances.  My overweight, sixty year old body wasn't a detriment to his appreciation of me as a person.  He was verbal in his praise and in that moment, I fell even more deeply in love with this man that God had given me to share my life with!

Four decades earlier we had pledged our love to each other before God.  Through many good times and some horrendously bad times, God has been faithful to give us the grace to greet each new day together.  I am so very thankful to have had the opportunity to live my life next to this truly kind and loving man!  I am among the most blessed of women!

On our wedding day, August 19, 1973, we claimed Ephesians 5: 1 & 2 as a verse for the course of our marriage.  It says....."Follow God's example, therefore as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."

Have a good day!  Love, Sue

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


This morning I woke up in a bad mood. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night. My husband was away and as the minutes ticked by I decided against setting the alarm. I determined to just wake up whenever my body decided to enter the land of the living. I knew that today would be a busy day but since I didn't need to be anywhere right away this morning, I was thankful for the luxury of good rest.

At five a.m. I felt a slobbering wetness on my arm and heard heavy breathing in my ear. Our dog was panting in eager readiness to go outside and play. With only one eye opened I groaned, "Go downstairs Chas! Go! Now!" Thankfully, he bowed his head and slowly, ever so slowly, made his way out of my room.

I rolled over and tried to resume my deep sleep. A few seconds later the rooster in the coop in the backyard began his regimen of crowing every few seconds. Ugghhhh! The pillow came up over my ears and I once again tried to breathe deeply and slowly. No use! After a very short while I gave up and plodded out to the living room and flopped down onto the recliner.

I am not a morning person. My mother used to awake at five and make a batch of cookies, weed the garden, and maybe even clean the house before anyone else arose. My grandmother would do the same thing with even more energy. As far as I know, all of my maternal ancesters were filled with great energy early, early in the morning.

Sadly, that love of the morning skipped my generation.. I roll out of bed and spend a lot of energy just trying to adjust to the new day. It is hard to see the beauty of a sunrise with your head in a deep deep fog. Usually, the fog clears after and hour or two or three......or....

It is now about 11 a.m.. I have been up at least five hours and I can truthfully say that I am awake now. All vestiges of sleep have been put away for the day. I am enjoying the sunshine and I feel full of the needed energy for the work I have to do. I am finally ready to start the day. Yay!!!! The hours between 6 a.m. and 11 a.m. are somewhat of a blur. I am confident that I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I know that I fed the dog, cat, and chickens, albeit reluctantly. Although I know that I opened my Bible and tried to have devotions, I am not sure what it was about. I even remember watering the flowers on the deck. But, I don't remember any delight at the brightness of the day or any enthusiasm for life.

Ever since I was a little girl I have been told that I need to get up early and face the day with gusto. Somehow, the fact that I fully enjoy sunsets or the late hours of the evening doesn't seem to count.

I am not complaining at least I am trying not to. I am thankful that I have the ability to get out of bed,to be able to see the flowers in bloom and even hear the rooster crowing. I am thankful that I have a bed in a room with a roof over it and I am even thankful that I can feel the wetness of the dog's tongue on my arm. I am thankful that I have a Bible to read and work to do during the day. I am thankful for so very many things!........Just not at 5 a.m. in the morning......

Mostly, I am thankful that the Lord understands my situation and is not surprised, appalled, or offended. He understands me because He made me. He has also graciously supplied me with a wonderful promise....

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness!" Lamentations 3:23

Have a good day! Love, Sue

Thursday, June 20, 2013

In light of eternity.

I think I mentioned before that “”I was indecisive?.............. I just finished painting the living room, dining room, kitchen, and foyer walls of my home. For the past five years I have been trying to decide what color to paint. Should I be daring and try a bold color scheme or should I play it safe with a muted one. What about an accent wall and if so, which wall would be best? My husband, John graciously put up with my indecision as I experimented with small swatches of various colors. At one point I had about 10 separate colors in many different sizes and shapes adorning the walls.

No color seemed to demand attention so, as Christmas approached this year, I decided to take the plunge and make a decision. I went to a paint store, picked up a color wheel and spun it around and chose two colors. After buying a gallon of each, I brought them home, put on paint clothes, grabbed a brush and roller and began. Soon the living room was done and I opened the second can of paint hoping that it would at least complement the first color. As I applied it to the living room walls, I began having a very hard time trying to decipher where I had already painted.……. The color that had taken countless hours over a period of five years to decide upon was almost the exact same color that had already been on the walls for the past twelve years!!!!!! …………………………..(Fortunately we still like the color.)

Groaning inside, I thought about what a tortuous affair picking out the color for the walls had been. I had asked the opinion of many friends and relatives and all of them had freely expressed their opinions. I had studied magazine color combinations and had tried to visualize the mood that I wanted to achieve. I did my homework. Unfortunately, as this decision overtook my thought life, I allowed it to steal a great deal of my time and energy. As I did so, it backfired on me!

At one point in my grueling endeavor, a friend of mine asked me what position the color of my walls had “in light of eternity.” I answered, “In light of eternity? Well, nothing of course!” Immediately the realization hit me that I had spent an incredible amount of my time on that which was ultimately unimportant and had spent very little time on that which had eternal value.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with taking care of the “things” that God gives us. We are to be good stewards of what we have been blessed with. It is necessary to apply new paint to walls from time to time but my problem began and ended with my focus. Choosing the color of paint in and of itself was not a problem but it became an idol when I allowed it to consume my thoughts. Only the Triune God…. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit….. deserves that place in my life.

"Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves any gods of cast metal; for I am the Lord your God." Leviticus 19:4

Have a good day! Love, Sue

Saturday, June 8, 2013

To the moon and back

Sitting snugly on his grandpa's lap, four year old Seth had a big smile on his face as he looked across the room at me and proclaimed, "Grandma, I love you to the moon and back!"

"Oh, Seth! I love you more than all of the leaves on all of the trees in the whole world!" I replied. The challenge was on...who could come up with the best and most impressive declaration of love. All of our grandchildren had played this game with us but Sethie was, by far, the most determined to win.

"Grandma, I love you all the way to Pluto!"

"Let's see now...Hmm...I love you all the way to the farthest star!" I was feeling a rush of satisfaction, knowing that I had the last word. These grandchildren of mine will never, ever love me more than I love them. Not possible.....ever!

Seth paused for a minute, looked me straight in the eye, and with a smug smile on his face said, "Grandma, I love you as big as God is!!!"

What could I say? "Oh Seth, You got me didn't you! There is nothing bigger than God! He is way, way bigger than the whole universe and everything in it, isn't He?"

"Yes, Grandma. God is bigger than the sky!"

"He sure is! God is bigger than the sky and yet He loves you always!!!"

Seth grinned and jumped out of his grandpa's lap ready to go and play some more....

As big as God is...What a concept!...How big is He? I will never be able to understand how big God is because I have a finite mind bound by time and space and God is infinite. His size is incomprehensible to me and yet I know that He is there. I don't understand His ways and yet I know that He loves me.

There is an old song written by Stuart Hamblin whose chorus paints a beautiful picture of the majesty of God.....

"How big is God? How big and wide is His domain
To try to tell these lips can only start.
He's big enough to rule His mighty universe
Yet small enough to live within my heart."

Today, when fear, disappointments, or other problems threaten to overwhelm me, I am going to remember just how big,...really big,...really, really, really big...God is! No matter what, He is enough.

2 Chronicles 2:6 " ...God is greater than all other gods. But who is able to build a temple for Him since the heavens, even the highest heavens cannot contain Him?"

Have a good day! Love, Sue

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Father's Love

"Honey, what's wrong? Are you alright?" The panicked voice of the young woman cried out to him as she entered his study. The unusual sight of her husband wracked with quiet sobs concerned her deeply. She had hardly ever seen him shed a tear before. What was going on?

Silently, tears slipped down his face. As he stood up to engulf her in his strong arms the paper he had been holding drifted to the floor. She held him tightly as he composed himself and a minute later he released her, knelt down and picked it up.

"Here, see what I found." He croaked as he handed her the well worn photo.

"Sweetie, it's just a picture of you holding Shelby when she was four years old!" The tension that had grabbed her as she’d entered the room began to dissolve. "She's in the next room watching a movie! Are you sure you’re okay?”

"Yes. I’m fine, really. There’s no big problem. I’m not exactly sure where all of this emotion came from but when I looked at the image of Shelby leaning against my chest, arms crossed behind her neck and I remembered her sweetness; how small and precious she was and how she used to look at me with her big blue eyes…. I was overwhelmed with love for her! His eyes searched hers for understanding.

She held the picture closer and examined it. Her daughter’s face was flushed from the sun and a smudge of dirt lay across her apple-like cheeks. She wore dirty yellow shorts and a blue tank top and one of her shoelaces was untied. As she looked at the camera, her mischievous eyes twinkled with delight. Her lounging position mimicked that of her dad as she rested on his chest, looking completely peaceful and trusting. “I remember the day this picture was taken. We had just come home from a day at the lake. You, Shelby and I had spent most of the afternoon in the boat fishing. You thought it was so funny that she caught more fish than you.” A smile stretched across Elana's face as she too remembered that ordinary yet enjoyable day. “I took this picture right after we got home.”

“Yep! I remember thinking what a great day it had been! After you took the picture, she started struggling and tried to get up, I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a great big hug and then I tickled her till she was squealing and laughing so hard….” His voice trailed off and a chuckle escaped his lips.

“Hey Dad!” His journey down memory lane was cut short as his lanky and beautiful thirteen year old daughter Shelby came bouncing to the door, leaned against the frame and innocently asked, “Hey Dad, may I have some money to go get ice cream?”

He carefully set the picture down, walked to the door, grabbed her, wrapped his arms tightly around her and gave her a bear-like hug. After smothering her hair with kisses he continued to hold his squirming daughter as he smiled and said, “We’ll see, Shelby. We’ll see.” ……………………………………………………………………………..

My friend Stew was laughing and was somewhat embarrassed as he told me this story about himself. This father of nine children went on to say how each one of them  held a special place in his heart. As I listened, I thought about how this sweet story was a very, very small and extremely minute example of the love that God has for us. I was reminded that God the Heavenly Father always has us, His children, in His thoughts.

God loves you with a personal and overpowering love. His love is complete and all encompassing. He understands you in a way that no other person in the world can because He created you and knows what is in your heart! He knows the hidden secrets of your soul and still wants to wrap you up in the majesty of His mighty arms and smother you with kisses. Even more than Stew's affection for his children,, God the Father is emotional in His love for you and enjoys you. There is nothing that you have ever done or can ever do that will shock Him or stop His overwhelming love for you!

No matter what kind of earthly father figure you have had, God is the perfect Father and will never let you down. Turn into His arms today and let him shower you with His love.

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 From God’s love letter to us……the Bible Have a good day! Love, Sue

Monday, June 3, 2013


“Come here, Rachel! Look at the pretty dress I have for you! Let’s try it on, OK?” I grabbed the squirming, chubby little body of my baby girl and placed her on my lap with one hand while I tried to fluff out her new party dress with the other. “Shall we try this on, sweetheart?”

The ruffled pink dress topped with a white pinafore was the perfect dress for her to wear at her first birthday party. With a fitted bodice and flouncy skirt designed to billow out when she turned, I thought my baby would love it. “Oh, look at you! My, don’t you look pretty!” I exclaimed when the task of changing her was completed. “Do you want to go show Daddy?”

Quickly she crawled down from my lap and toddled out into the kitchen where the entire family was finishing their lunch. Standing in the middle of the floor, cute, chubby little legs peeking out from the bottom of her skirt, she giggled with delight as she twirled around and around! Sounds of laughter filled the air as everyone watched the picture of exuberance and joy she displayed. She twirled around and around and around again and, for the first time, it was obvious that Rachel loved a pretty dress. Though we were trying to save this one for special occasions, it became apparent that she didn’t want to take it off……………

Twenty–two years later…..

"I want a bridal gown that has straight lines, a simple bodice and no beading." Hours of studying Bride magazine and Internet bridal sites were yielding strong opinions in my youngest daughter, Rachel. Uncharacteristically, she seemed to know exactly what she wanted as she began the search for the perfect dress at the Wedding Shop. Years earlier, along with making a very detailed four page list of the qualities that she required the man of her dreams to exhibit; she had also clearly imagined what she would wear when she married him.

Her sister, Sarah and niece, Selma, matron of honor and junior bridesmaid respectively, and I, the mother of the bride, were along for the adventure. The salon was a mass of many shades of white as the dresses, adorned with various combinations of tulle, lace, and beads, stood at attention. Rack after rack of impressive gowns and group after group of perspectives brides( each accompanied by their own entourage) made me feel a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of finding anything in that store; much less the dress of which dreams are made. But, we continued on.

Rachel had only an hour long appointment before her attendant had another bride to attend to. She tried on about ten simple dresses but nothing seemed to be right. Rachel, at twenty three, is thin and beautiful yet not one dress looked truly becoming on her. We left feeling a bit stunned. What I thought might be an easy task might not be so easy after all.

In the following weeks, Rachel went on a hunting spree for the absolutely perfect bridal gown. With no success, she returned home and we visited “Elegance”, a small bridal shop located in our home town. It was a quiet place with many less options but since we were the only customers in the shop, Rachel was able to experiment a bit. This time, she tried on dress… after dress… after dress. Much to our amazement her taste began to evolve. She started to admire herself in a variety of styles and colors. One gown in particular drew her attention. It had only one shoulder strap, lots of beading, a long train, and was a rich champagne color that enhanced her pale skin and strawberry blond hair.

Success! Perhaps we had the completed the first big decision regarding this daunting adventure of wedding preparation. She put the dress on hold while she tried to decide if this was indeed.....the One. A few days later she came to a conclusion. Even though the champagne colored dress was beautiful, she had always envisioned herself wearing white on her special day. Besides, she didn't "love" it. So, she decided to keep looking…. and looking…. and looking.

On New Year’s Eve day, two and a half months into “the hunt” for the perfect bridal gown, Rachel and I decided to try out yet another shop. Bella Bridal was located on the other side of the city in which she lived. On the way, she prayed that she would not only find a dress but also that it would be on sale. (That’s my girl, always looking for a good deal!) As we arrived, I was not sure if this was such a good idea. We had a somewhat limited budget and this appeared to be an unlimited budget kind of place.

Amazing gowns hung in their splendor throughout the store. As we entered, a friendly attendant greeted us and answered our question regarding the average cost of the gowns in the shop. She said that their dresses started at $1000 and went up from there. Occasionally there were dresses with a sale tag on them but because we were intrigued by the sheer beauty of the place, Rachel and I decided to stay and see what we could find. We browsed through many beautiful dresses and quickly gathered some in her size. She went back to the fitting room to try them on…

The empty viewing room was peaceful and filled with comfortable couches for friends and relatives to relax upon. Podiums were strategically placed in front of the wall of mirrors so brides could stand on them and view their chosen gowns from every angle. While I knew it was a simply a store, the room had a feeling of intimacy about it that was inviting. I sank down onto one of the couches and watched as Rachel tried on lovely dress after lovely dress.

Each dress looked better than the one before. She tried on the last of the ten we had gathered and walked out, stood before the mirror and sighed, “Oh Mom”…..The silk gown was a wonderful blend of all the elements of design that she had been looking for. The bodice was fitted to the knee where it billowed out into a long train. It had a lace up back and tasteful beading. The ivory color was a shade of white and yet complimentary to her skin tone.

“I love it!” We cried at the same time.

“Are you sure, Mom? Does it really look good?” A touch of awe filled her voice as the need for reassurance crept in.

“I think it is beautiful and perfect!” I responded. “I love it, but it’s more important that you think it’s amazing.”

After spending a few more minutes gazing in the mirror, she added a veil. She stood taller and straighter and bit her lip in concentration as she turned around and around and around again before the mirror. I was tempted to ask if she was beginning to feel like a bride. Instead, I waited to see if this dress was going to survive her intense scrutiny. Slowly, a radiant smile lit her face as she cried, “I think this is it! It's so beautiful! I don't think that I ever want to take it off!!"

Upon hearing those words, the kind young attendant was quick to try and clinch the sale. “Well, this dress is already marked down, but if you decide to buy it and pay in full today, I can offer you $50 off of the sale price.

Since Rachel had tried on so many dresses with a variety of price tags, I asked, “After the discount, what would the total be?

“$150", she replied.

Rachel and I looked at each other in amazement. Her prayer was answered. Not only had she finally found a beautiful dress that she loved, was the cheapest one she had ever tried on!!! We bought the gown and went out the door rejoicing in the faithfulness of God to grant the desires of a young woman’s heart!

How good the Father in Heaven was to lead us to a place that was the ultimate of pleasant experiences for a mother and daughter. How good He was to provide the perfect dress at, by today’s standards, a ridiculously low price. And, by far most of all, how good He was to allow me to have the amazing opportunity of watching my little girl transformed into a bride before my very eyes!


Days went by as I thought about the ordeal finding a dress for the bride had been. I was reminded how we, as Christians, are the bride of a soon coming bridegroom, (Jesus Christ). We are in the continuous process of getting ready for him. Our lives are constantly being purified and refined so that we will be ever more beautiful for Him. We are always in that wedding preparation mode...

Revelation 19 And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings saying, "Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent Reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His wife (the church) has made herself ready." And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

Have a good day! Love, Sue

Friday, May 31, 2013

Grandma, Come Quickly

Last night, I sat with my husband before a roaring campfire in the backyard of our home in central Minnesota. As we rocked gently back and forth on the wooden swing, John placed his arm firmly around me while our four grandchildren stretched out on a nearby blanket. Slowly, in a deep baritone voice, he began to tell a story filled with adventure and intrigue. The children’s eyes grew large as they imagined the life of poor old Phineas, the old buck who laid down his mighty rack of horns for the last time. As the story unfolded, I savored this special moment in time. The somewhat cloudy skies and cool weather had provided a perfect backdrop for the day that was now ending in this magical way.

Earlier in the day….

I stepped unto our back deck and heard two of the children screaming, “Grandma, Grandma, Come quick!!! Hurry!!!” Startled, I looked up to see their laughing faces and wildly gesturing arms. Since I didn’t feel like running if there was not a serious emergency, I shouted back, “No, you come here!

“Come, Grandma! Please, please come!” Reluctantly I rounded the corner of the house only to find them all huddled in front of one of the basement window wells. “Look! We found a garter snake eating a frog!” There it was…. a real live snake devouring a real live frog. I had never seen such a thing in person. I really can’t remember ever wanting to see such a thing in person but that was not the issue. They were amazed.

“Grandma, can we take a picture?” After I hurried inside, grabbed the camera, and quickly handed it to Gabe, he snapped a clear picture of the hungry snake and the poor, unfortunate frog. All four were mesmerized by the sight and watched that old snake for a long time.

A little later as I was walking past the garage I heard, “Grandma, come quickly!” Selma ran out, grabbed my hand and reverently led me inside. “Come and feel Sophie’s tummy,” she whispered quietly. With both hands I reached over and felt her cat’s midsection. “Do you feel the babies moving in there, Grandma?” Wonder at the miracle before her shone in my granddaughter’s eyes as she gently rubbed the soft fur to feel the feather light kicking inside. “I’m so happy that she’s going to have kittens!”

Unfortunately, I was not near as thrilled about the upcoming event. Selma’s cat lived in my garage and was going to give birth there. Somehow, I knew it was going to be my job to make sure that all went well and all of the new little kittens were groomed and ready for Selma’s next visit. But, I kept those thoughts to myself as I replied softly, “Oh, Selma, giving birth is truly a miraculous thing isn’t it!”

After leaving the garage, four year old Seth marched up to me and solemnly said, “Grandma, you haven't even played tether ball with me! I practiced two times and now I am really good!" His bright blue eyes looked up at me expectantly.

"Well. I guess we'll just have to play a game won't we!" As we began our tether ball "game”, I glanced at his little body so full of determination to play the sport just like his big brothers had. He stood there, feet placed firmly apart and waited for the stringed ball to come to him so that he could hit it back. With every ounce his slight frame could produce, he attacked that ball with vengeance. Eventually, he "won" and with that he had had enough of this new game. All he had really wanted was to prove that he could, in fact, do it!

"Good game, Sethie. Thanks!" "You're welcome, Grandma!" He shouted over his shoulder as he ran to find his mom and dad and proudly share his victory with them.

"Grandma! Look at this! Watch me!" Yet another voice yelled out. This time it was Caleb shouting from the area around the playhouse in the woods. "Grandma! Watch how I can ride these paths!" His six year old legs pumped the bicycle pedals with gusto as he hurtled over the dirt paths. Over inclines, around clumps of trees, and down the hill he cruised ever faster. My heart was in my throat as I watched how fearlessly and how confidently he approached the hill. His face was filled with concentration and joy as his bike sailed effortlessly over the small rise in the path before him. Face flushed with exertion and success he brought the bike to a standstill beside me and looked up expectantly.

“Wow, Caleb! That was awesome!” You can really ride that bike now, can’t you?”

“Thanks, Grandma.” He threw his leg back over the bike and prepared to attack the path again. I watched his back and remembered how small he had been when he had first tried to ride a bike. Although he had tottered on training wheels, he had been convinced that he should be able to go faster and faster and faster than was possible. His dream of speed and daring was coming true.

“Grandma!” I could faintly hear my name being called over the loud drone of the lawnmower engine. As I looked around to find the source of the voice, I saw ten year old Gabe perched upon the seat of the riding lawnmower, hands firmly holding the steering wheel as he rode around the yard. Back and forth, back and forth he aimlessly drove the mower. I looked over at John who stood smiling at the sight. “Are you sure he’s ok?” I asked. “I don’t think he’s ever driven anything before.”

“Oh, he’s fine. Look at him! I’m just gonna let him drive around the yard until he gets sick of it!” John turned and went back to the project he was doing. I looked at the sight of my young grandson riding around on an adult machine. He looked thrilled and happy.

As I watched, I realized that I was witnessing the beginning of the end of this little boy’s childlike innocence. I was observing the first stirrings of independence and desire to conquer life on his terms. As he drove around and around on that lawn mover, it was almost as if I could see the imaginations that were taking place inside of him. Instead of his grandpa’s old lawn mower, he was grasping the steering wheel of his own car as he drove down the highway to destinations unknown. He was pretending to be an adult making his own decisions of where to go and who to go with.

As I watched Gabe, I thought about Seth and his desire to be able to do anything that his brothers could do; Caleb mastering a way to tackle life with power and force; and the tender love and gentleness that Selma displayed toward her little cat. They were all growing up…. careening toward adulthood with a force that seemed to go ever faster. All day long I had heard the words, “Grandma, come quickly!” Now, I wanted stand and loudly shout back, “Kids, Slow down! Don’t grow up so fast!”

They won’t be able to obey me in this, my selfish desire. No, it is built into each of them to grow and mature and to one day create an independent life of their own. While their parents are doing an excellent job of training them now; soon they will need to decide for themselves what kind of life they will lead. They will need to search for personal answers to the questions that every life produces……

Earlier all four of them had recited their recently memorized Bible verses. One of their favorites was the entire chapter of Psalm 1 complete with actions. Now, I began to pray that each of these sweet grandchildren of mine would heed the words of that Psalm and become mighty men and women of faith. I prayed that each of them would become strong in the knowledge that only God is in control and that they would learn to become totally dependent on His grace and mercy. I prayed that the love of the Lord Jesus Christ would flourish deep in their souls and that they would learn to love Him with all of their heart and soul and mind.

My earnest prayer for my dearly loved grandchildren as they continue to mature is that they would indeed heed the words of this Psalm in thought, word, and action……

Psalm 1 “Blessed is the man……… Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And on His law he mediates day and night. He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water,That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.

Have a good day! Love, Sue

Ugly Monster


Recently, I viewed a perfect picture of a secondary offense. This kind of offense occurs when someone you love is adversely affected by the words or actions of another and you become angry for them. It is an insidious and rotten kind of interaction because it has no personal basis.

I was reminded of a time when I took on a secondary offense. An old friend of ours, George, (not his real name} believed a lie told to him about my husband. At the time, George had been a close personal friend for about fifteen years. The person telling the lie was a fairly new acquaintance. Unfortunately, George chose to believe the man and my husband, rightly so, was insulted. This put a damper on their relationship.

When my husband told me of his problem with George, I got mad. I didn't just get mad, I got furious. It became an impossible situation because George's wife was one of my closest friends and I was unable to be around either of them without feeling agitated inside. Since we were all part of the same group of friends, I was agitated a lot.

This went on for about two years. Shortly before we were scheduled to move out of state, George came to my husband and apologized. The other man had been found to be a liar and George realized what he had done. My husband and George had a heart to heart talk and they each asked for, and received, forgiveness from each other. Their relationship was restored and all was well. They were once again dear friends.

There was one problem though. Me. I still had the anger I felt toward George for his “perceived” betrayal of my husband. My anger became a horrible poison to my soul and followed me to our new home. I unrealistically blamed George for the problems I encountered there. I let my anger towards him permeate every aspect of my life and it grew and grew into an ugly monster within me.

One afternoon, I had had it. I sat down at my kitchen table and wrote an eight page, single spaced letter to George reciting every wrong that I thought he had ever done to me or to my family. Anger spurred my pen on and I began to feel justified in my displeasure. I planned to put him in his place. I hoped that I would be set free by exposing him and all that he had done. Eventually, I was finished. I laid my pen down. I was exhausted emotionally.

I picked up the letter that had so filled my mind and as I read it back to myself, a strange thing happened. Sure, George had initially wronged my husband but as I continued to read I began to realize that he had never intentionally done so. Plus, he had never wronged me in any way. I realized that he had always been loving and kind towards me.

I began to get an unwelcome feeling inside my heart that by allowing my anger for George to so consume me for two years that I had sinned against him and pretty soon I was crying out to God for forgiveness. After a time, I felt spent and all of the anger that had welled up within me before was miraculously gone! I lifted my head from the table where it rested and as I did so I had a firm conviction that I needed to confess my sin to George.

So, I reached for the phone and called him. Amazingly, he answered right away and I spent a few minutes asking his forgiveness for the specific ways that I had sinned against him. He was able to understand completely and said that he forgave me. He did not ask for my forgiveness because truthfully, he had never harmed me personally and had already dealt with any wrong of his toward my husband. He was gracious and kind. We ended the phone call in a warm manner and were once again friends.

My emotions were no longer bound up with anger and vengeance. I was peaceful and content. All was well. The next time I saw both George and his wife we were back to our old footing of friendship. This says a great deal about the kind of wonderful people that they had always been!

This episode was a major teaching point in my life and continues to speak to me today. Beware of taking on emotional baggage for another person even if it is a beloved child, husband, family member or friend. When someone sins against you forgive them, deal with it and go on your way. Don't let anger or bitterness rule in your heart because the only one that it will truly destroy is……. you!

“And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses (sins). But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.” Mark 11: 25-26

Later it says…”Confess your sins one to another and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” James 4:7-10, James 5:16

Have a good day! Love, Sue

Friday, May 24, 2013

I Love This Place!

My family and I used to live in North Bend, Washington.  North Bend was, and maybe still is, just about the perfect place to live.  It is nestled between the majestic peaks of the Cascade Mountain Range and the foothills that lead into Seattle.  We resided in a house featuring the 4000 ft. peak of Mt Si filling the expanse of our large picture window.  Every morning we looked out at that great view with amazement.  Two blocks away down a tree lined drive was the fast moving Snoqualmie River with its boulders, eddies, and rapids.  Immediately on the other side of the river the base of Mt. Si began and drew your view ever upward.  The Snoqualmie River wound it's  way three miles downriver and rushed over the Snoqualmie Falls.  This waterfall is one of the main tourist sights in Washington, as it is higher than Niagra Falls and well worth the visit.

We used to feel that we had the best of both worlds because our house sat at both the edge of the wilderness and near to city life.  Traveling down Interstate 90 for 30 minutes brought us to downtown Seattle with the Space Needle and the Public Market to wander around in on a sunny afternoon.

Most weekends found our little family enjoying some aspect of the great Northwest.  On a Saturday we could easily drive somewhere less than two hours away and experience something totally different than what we were used to in our daily life.  If we missed playing in the snow, we would drive up to Snoqualmie Pass, a half hour away, and go sledding or skiing for the afternoon.  Then we would return home, the kids would take off all of their snow boots, pants, mittens and gloves and run outside to the green grass and play catch until nightfall.

Or, if we missed being on the water, we would hurry over to the Puget Sound and take a ferry ride to the Olympic Peninsula.  Sometimes, on a very clear day, while the ferry chugged along we would gaze at the immense vision of Mt. Rainier filling the sky while we fed the seagulls endlessly.

Before Christmas each year we would cross Steven's Pass and visit the winter wonderland and idyllic village called Leavenworth.  The Bavarian theme to that small town with its restaurants and stores always made us feel like we were characters in a dreamlike movie.

We spent hours and hours and hours exploring this wondrous place that we called home.  We hiked in the mountains finding seven waterfalls within an hour's drive of our home and we went to the numerous interesting places that dot the landscape around the Sound.  We picked blueberries that were over an inch in diameter (I measured) and strawberries the size of small apples (I have pictures).  Every spring we'd walk through the University of Washington Arboretum and smell the intoxicating fragrance permeating the air from the azaleas and rhododendrons that towered over us.  We would always make sure that we enjoyed the tulip fields of Mount Vernon and we attended numerous Mariners baseball games at the old King Dome.

We went to a church that encouraged us and had many friends that we loved like family.  All in all, every member of our family loved living the life that we had there.  Besides all of this, we had no screens on our windows because there were very few bugs!!!!

It was an amazing place to live and I am exceedingly thankful that I was able to spend a part of my life there!!!  I love that place! 

Psalms 8:1   "Oh, Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"
                                                                 Have a good day!  Love, Sue

Monday, April 22, 2013

Appearances Can Be Deceiving

"No!"  That single word expressed so much.  My three year old granddaughter, Selma, stood in front of her mommy, chubby little hands placed firmly on her hips, glaring eyes flaming with defiance.  "No!"  She cried.  With that, she stuck out her tongue and stomped away!

Selma looked like a little angel.  Curly white blond hair perfectly framed her big blue eyes.  Often she wore cute little outfits that made her look like a princess.  As she walked past, random people would reach out and try to pat her hair or poke each other and smile at the picture she presented.  Absolutely every time they would go out someone would comment on her hair or how sweet she looked.  That was the word most commonly used to describe this little munchkin....."Oh, how sweet!"

Unfortunately, at the time, she was occasionally anything but sweet.  There was a dark side to this littlest angel.  She had a strong will, a will of iron that surrounded her like an impenetrable fortress.

That was the situation this day.  I watched and tried to hide my amusement at the sight of this small toddler, fresh out of babyhood, standing up to her grown up mommy without fear.  Fortunately, she did receive a consequence for this action.

She began to recognize her stubbornness though and observing her was an impressive lesson in what repentance should be.

One day after a particularly strong bout of disobedience, she drew her chubby little fists together and started to claw at her chest.  When asked what she was doing, she exclaimed, "I'm trying to get all that yucky stuff out of my heart and stomp on it!"  With that, she pretended to throw something down on the ground and stomp on it, hard!!!

Slowly, she began to understand the concept of disobedience and repentance.  Also, she learned that Jesus Christ loved her even though she struggled inside.  One day, during her fourth birthday party, she turned to her mother and said,  "I'm so happy that I feel like God is throwing flowers at me!"  Giggling with delight, she ran off to play, totally at ease and carefree.

As I think about sin from a toddler's perspective, I am amazed at how simple it is.  God did not make it hard to understand.  Once you are aware of sin, stop it, ask forgiveness, and try not to do it again.  Then....go play....cause God is throwing flowers of joy at you!!!

"If we confess our sins, He (God) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."  1 John 1:9
                                                                Have a good day!   Love, Sue

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Christmas Eve Surprise

Many years ago....

At about 3:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve I walked through the door of my home after working for six hours.  I was tired and ready to sit down and relax a minute but my aching feet would have to wait.  My husband and children and I had been asked to provide special music for the holiday service at my parent's church.  The service was due to start at 5 p.m. giving us less than two hours to make the one hour and thirty-five minute trip.  I was hopeful that everyone would have heeded the instructions that I'd given that morning and be ready to leave.

As I entered the kitchen I found chaos.  My family was coming and going in various stages of undress.  One child was asking the other if he had seen his tie and my husband was trying to figure what to do about the missing button on my daughter's new dress.  My youngest son was hungry and making himself a sandwich.  I glanced at the clock and realized that we had no more than twenty-five minutes to pile into the van and be on our way.  I still had to clean up and change my clothes.  I had hoped to have time to fix my hair but that began to look like a hopeless dream.

My "General" mode overtook me and I started barking orders before I even greeted anyone.  In an effort to light a fire of urgency underneath my dragging family, my normally quiet voice began rising with each new order.  Do that...grab this and get out the door.....

There was still the problem of the missing button so in the midst of speaking as fast as I possibly could and trying to remember what still had to be done before we could leave, I reached up and opened the door of the upper kitchen cabinet where my sewing kit was located.  I lifted my arm and reached out for the familiar handle at the top of the green rectangular box.  Much to my horror, as I brought my hand down I realized that it was filled with the soft fur of a dead mouse!

I threw that horrible, horrible thing out of my hand as fast as I could and began to realize that the very loud screaming resounding in the kitchen was coming from me!  I quickly ran to the bathroom and scrubbed my hands with soap and water.  I ran back to the kitchen screaming the whole way and began turning around and around as my family erupted with laughter.  I kept crying out and returned to the bathroom to scrub the germs off of my hands.  I didn't know how to stop the panic that threatened within me.  I hated mice but I absolutely, positively despised dead mice!!!!  Especially unexpected ones!!!

The kitchen became a very loud place as my husband and children continued to laugh hysterically at the spectacle of their usually somewhat calm wife and mother becoming totally unglued!

Finally, commonsense returned and I realized that there was no time for hysterics.  We hurried out to the van and arrived at the front door of the church as the service began.  We all looked "normal" as we calmly entered the church....But....I think it took until about noon the next day for my insides to settle down and relax.....

Years later this story still brings laughter to my husband and kids... and now also to me....

                                                                       Have a good day!   Love, Sue

P.S. Years have gone by and living in the country has given me great opportunities to conquer my fear of dead mice.  God has been faithful to give me courage!  Sometimes He allows us to face the very things that cause us great fear simply to prove to us that He is near and cares about us.  He is near to you this day.

"Cast all your cares upon Him for He cares about you."  1 Peter 5:7

Killing Mom

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Super Grandma

I love my grandchildren and often try to meet both their needs and desires when they come to visit.  Usually, that means that we make a special breakfast, play a game of Skip-Bo or make a fort in the dining room. But one time, I outdid myself and entered into the "super-grandma" mode!

Gabe had just received a new spider Lego set shortly before coming to visit our house.  At seven, he was still too young to read all of the involved directions that came with the box so Sarah, his mom, lay down on the floor to help him.  Shortly, the multitude of little plastic pieces began to resemble a spider and Gabe was excited.

The lazy afternoon sun streamed through the leaded glass window above the piano creating sparkling little prisms of light.  While waiting for his mom to plan his next move, Gabe spent his time gazing at the rainbows they created.  “Look, Grandma!  Look!” he exclaimed, “You gave my spider it’s very own web!  It’s beautiful!  He’ll love to live there! Thank you, Grandma!”

I couldn’t imagine what he was talking about until I spotted it.  There in the archway between the dining room and the living room was a magnificently large and intricately beautiful spider web!

Proudly I replied,   “You’re sure welcome, Gabe!  I’m just thinking of you because I love you!!!”

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine but a broken spirit dries up the bones.”  Proverbs 17:22

Enjoy today for all it is worth!  I challenge you to look around with fresh eyes for the blessings that surround you.  They are there even in the darkest moments if we just look!   Sometimes they are hidden in spider webs!
       Have a good day!  Love, Sue

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How To Choose A Wife

One day, my grandson, Gabe rode with me to pick up some groceries at Costco.  As we were driving along he began talking about his future wife.   At seven, he had already picked out the girl he wanted to spend his life with and, since stranger things have happened, I wasn't about to belittle that claim!

 But on this day, Gabe was very concerned because his little girlfriend seemed to be paying attention to some of the other boys in their class.  As we were walking through the parking lot on our way into the store, I turned to him and told him that any girl would be crazy not to like him because he was such a wonderful and caring young man.  The sweet, shy look that he gave me in return was priceless.

We entered the massive doors of the store and began to fill the big metal cart with the supplies that I needed.   Gabe was quick to find ways to make this experience fun and by the time we left he was full of enthusiasm and eager to get back home to play with his friends.

 As we were driving back to his house I asked the question, “Gabe, what qualities do you want in a wife?"

He paused for just a second and piped up, “That she is a Christian!”

“Good answer, Gabe!  What else would be important in a wife?”

A longer pause came this time as he pondered the question.  “Well, maybe that she goes to heaven?”

“That’s kind of the same thing isn’t it?  If she is a Christian, she will go to heaven when she dies.” I replied.

He got a quizzical look on his face as he thought harder, finally beaming as he replied, “That she like me!”

We laughed and I thought about those two little statements – that she is a Christian and that she likes him.   That she – love God and love him.  Gabe had intuitively known what creates a good and solid foundation for a marriage relationship!  He had discovered at a very young age the tried and true; absolutely never fail formula for a long and healthy communion between two individual people.  I know this for a fact because Jesus Christ, in an amazing statement, boiled down all of the truths of the Old Testament into two small phrases.

He said,
“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all of your heart and soul and mind” and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 

                                    From His instruction book – Matthew 22:37-40
                                                   Have a good day!  Love, Sue

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cookies

I love chocolate chip cookies!  I especially love them fresh out of the oven when the chips are soft and gooey and the delicious smell of warm chocolate lingers in the air. I am immediately transported to my childhood. 

My mother created a loving home filled with lots of good food but no other culinary memory left such a lasting impression as this one.  Many times I remember running up the steps of our house after school and as I got closer to the door, my senses would be attacked with the intoxicating fragrances coming from inside.  I would enter the kitchen and see warm chocolate chip cookies sitting on the cooling racks waiting for my siblings and me to gobble them up.   While the smell was delightful, the taste was sublime!

Perhaps because of this, I love to bake cookies for my own children and grandchildren.

One day, as my grandchildren were playing downstairs, I quickly threw together a batch of these delectable morsels.  The kids would periodically run up the stairs to see if they were ready yet but my answer would always be, "I'll call you when they’re ready.  Go play!" 

When all was prepared, I stacked a dinner plate full of cookies and set them on the dining room table.  I called for the kids to come and waited for them as I finished cleaning up my mess. 

Only one child came immediately.  Caleb, age two, saw the cookies and sat down directly in front of them.  His eyes grew large as he gazed at the treat before him.  Grabbing one, he took a bite and I heard a satisfying sigh escape his lips.

Selma and Gabe came running into the room and tried to snatch a cookie off the plate.  Caleb reached out and swatted their hands away from the full plate as he cried, “No! Mine!  All mine!”

"Grandma!"  I heard the wails fly.  "Caleb won't let us have a cookie!"

I glanced at Caleb and realized that the look of satisfaction on his face was a result of believing that the entire heaping mound of cookies was for him and him alone!  There was no way that I was going to destroy that look of pure delight so I promised the other two their own full to overflowing plate of cookies.  They went downstairs and continued to play while they waited for me to deliver them. 

As I took the rest of the cookies out of the oven and placed them on the cooling racks, I thought about how much joy it gives me to bless, richly bless, my grandchildren.  If I, as a lowly human grandmother feel that way, how much more does the all-mighty, all-knowing, all-loving, all-caring Father in heaven want to bless us, His children!

“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”
Ephesians 3:17-19

                                                 Have a good day!   Love, Sue

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Amazing Day

Of all the days of your life, which ones do you remember?  I have many days that I can recall bits and pieces from but I have only a handful of entire days that were truly memorable from start to finish.  One of those times occurred in July of 1994.  My husband and I, along with some of our children traveled down the coast of Washington state to a campground near the town of Ilwaco.  After we set up our travel trailer in the state park, we climbed over a ridge to play on the Pacific Ocean beach.  We also arranged to go ocean fishing the next day.

Before sunrise the next morning we drove to Ilwaco and boarded the charter fishing boat.  Once aboard, my four year old daughter, Rachel and I sat inside but my husband, John and our sons, Carl and Erik perched outside near the front of the boat as we made our way past the mouth of the Columbia River.   The water was very, very bumpy and we all began to wonder if we would be able to last throughout the entire day!  But, we soon passed over that area where hundreds of early ships had lost their battles and, with relative ease, we launched into the great unknown - the great Pacific! 

As the fishing boat went a short way out to sea, a school of dolphins leaped through the water along side the boat.  Birds swished by and the sun slowly burned off the light fog that encompassed us.  Finally we were at our destination and the boys let out their lines.  I don’t remember what was caught exactly but I do remember someone on the boat caught a small shark and another person caught a skate.  All of it was very unusual and exciting. 

After we got back to shore and took our catch to the trailer to eat, we slipped back to the same beach from the night before and built sandcastles.  Shortly before sunset, we raced to the end of the beach and climbed a short ridge to the base of the lighthouse that guards the harbor at Ilwaco.  When we got to the top, a blazing sunset was forming to the West across the Pacific.  We stood on the steps of the lighthouse and sang songs about sunsets.  I know that it sounds kind of corny but as I write this, it is hard to express what a truly magical time that was.  I have rarely felt so at peace and full of joy. 

The sun was down and we realized to our dismay that we didn’t have a flashlight or any way to see our way back to our little home away from home.  Reluctantly, I followed the kids and John through a very dark path in the woods. Night was quickly upon us so we kind of half felt/half stumbled our way along.  At one point in the impeding darkness John whispered, “Quiet!  Look there!”  Through the trees we could barely make out the shapes of a herd of deer standing watching us.

  Finally, we made it to the small camp road and I knew that we were only a block or two from our campsite.  As we began to walk, my son, Carl, who at fifteen was now taller than I, reached back and grabbed my hand.  For a few minutes we held hands as we walked and talked in the darkness.  I remember thinking that I needed to consciously cherish this time because he was fast becoming a man.

We continued walking until we found our trailer.  We climbed into our beds and the children quickly fell asleep.  In the few minutes before I too shut my eyes, I remember thinking that it had been one of the best days of my life.  And so it was….

Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and that more abundantly.”   John 10:10. 

                                                       Have a good day!  Love, Sue

Monday, March 18, 2013

Enjoy The Small Stuff ...


So many times my grandchildren teach me amazing lessons on how to live life.  Their innocent approach to living enchants me.………

One day  after  making a batch of brownies, I took the beaters out of my Kitchen Aid mixer and was in the process of putting them in the sink when my one and a half year old grandson, Caleb came bounding around the corner of the refrigerator.  He squealed with delight and jumped up and down as he reached for the chocolate covered beaters.  His little face lit up with pure joy as he licked them clean.

A year later when Caleb was two years old he wanted to “help” me wash dishes. I took out the Dawn dish washing liquid, opened the cover and before I poured any liquid into the sink, I squeezed the bottle and tiny bubbles appeared!  Caleb erupted with laughter and begged me to make the bubbles fly again and again.  I was fascinated with his complete and utter enjoyment over such a small event.  Since then, I often purposely pause, squeeze the bottle of dish soap and watch the little bubbles float away.  All by myself I stand in my kitchen and simply ENJOY. I know it sounds a bit crazy (at least my kids think so) but try it sometime, its fun!

 Today, if only for a moment, find something to enjoy!

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!”
                                                                                            Psalm 118:24       

                                                                     Have a good day!  Love, Sue

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The View At The Top

One spring afternoon, my husband and I, along with my brother and some of our children decided to climb Rattlesnake Ridge just outside of Northbend, Washington.  It was one of those crystal clear days that I have experienced only in the Seattle area.  The rain subsides for a time and the pure blue of the sky, the sunlight bouncing off the gleaming peaks of the Cascade Mountains, and the crisp, fresh air fills my soul with joy and I feel like flying.  Hence, the trip to the base of the mountain......

Walking around the still waters of Rattlesnake Lake, I felt no inhibitions or doubts as to whether I would be able to tackle the trip.  We began the leisurely trek up the side of the Ridge.  Jackets came off as the trail became a little steeper and it wasn't very long before Dan, Carl, Erik, and Rachel were outdistancing me.  Since they were tiring of having to wait for me at the end of every switchback, I encouraged all of them, my husband John included, to just hurry to the top and enjoy the day up there.  I would take a little longer but I would be okay.  Concerned, John opted to stay with me while the others left.

I watched their youthful exuberance and energy and longed for the days when I could run up the mountain and jump from rock to rock - graceful and free.  But, at the time, I was close to 50 years old and my days of running with reckless abandon were long past.  I really was very content to go a little slower and savor the experience.  Eventually, I too would reach the top, at least I hoped.  Pretty soon though, John was pulling me up and over the really hard parts and I was realizing that my joyful expectations of an easy, fun filled day would probably not happen.

Finally, I had to stop.  There was no more choice.  We were only a little over half way up and this old, overweight, out of shape body had absolutely no more oomph left.  I collapsed on a rock and waited for breath to resume a normal even pace.  To my chagrin, John was still breathing slow and easy even though he had all but carried me over the last part of the path!

While we sat there, we exchanged pleasantries with people as they passed by.  Over and over again they gave the same message...."The view is incredible!  Very beautiful!  Don't stop now.  The view at the top is worth it! Don't miss out!"

"Okay, okay” I replied, "Just give me a few minutes." 

Another group of four came by with the same message.  As the last person walked past me though, she leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Don't listen to them.  You're just about to reach the toughest part.  There is a muddy area around the next turn and it begins to get really, really steep!  There is still a long way to go and the worst is yet to come!!!!!!!"  Finally, a truthful person who could reinforce my fatalistic thoughts!

I began to prepare to go back to the car.  But, John refused to leave me.  If I was determined to turn around, then he would too.  Guilt swept over me. I knew that hiking to the top of mountains was one of his favorite pastimes and I knew that even though he was being gracious and kind to me, he would be disappointed.
I couldn't stand that thought.  So......we started off again.  Sure enough, for me, the trail became a horrible experience.  Breathless, my heart thumped so loud and hard that I believed it would pound out of my chest and roll right down the hill.  John remained faithful and encouraged rests when I couldn't go any longer.

Other trekkers were coming down at an increasing rate and their exclamations of delight over the view at the top became an inspiration to me at a time when I sorely needed it.  The trail was never ending and just kept getting worse.

Finally, we turned a corner and there, through a crack between two large boulders, was my first glimpse of Mt. Si.  There are no words to adequately describe how breathtakingly beautiful that scene was!  Given a new spurt of energy we quickly scampered the rest of the way so that we could see the view in its magnificent entirety.  There at the crest we surveyed the full range of the Cascades with their gleaming snow covered tops.  We could see the outlines of both Mt. Baker to the North and Mt. Rainier to the South.

Joyful grins adorned our faces as we greeted Dan and the kids.  The air was invigorating and I couldn't help but agree wholeheartedly with the hiker's message - The view at the top was wonderful and had been TRULY worth it!  In fact, many years later, if I close my eyes and imagine, I can still feel the warmth of the sun and the whisper of the breeze as it touched my cheek.  I can hear the shouts of joy as the kids discovered holes in the rocks and the expressions of awe as other travelers also made their way to the top.  It was a great day that I could easily have missed.

As I slowly, but contentedly, made my way down the mountain trail I thought about the many times in my life when I have felt like giving up.  Over the course of my life, I have had many disappointments and been discouraged.  Sometimes I have been overcome with problems and been unable to cope.  But, before despair overwhelms me, I usually receive, in some manner or form, encouragement and a "view through the crack of the boulders" that gives me courage to continue.  There I catch a glimpse of what heaven will be like.  For a brief instant, I am able to catch sight of what I have to look forward to.  It gives me hope to carry on.

Even though the road we walk here on earth is hard at times and not always fair, heaven is waiting and if I listen closely, I can hear the voices of those that have gone before - "Don't give up, don't give in, keep walking the good walk and fighting the good fight.  Keep your eyes focused on the goal and never ever take your eyes from it.  The view is worth it!  Heaven and being with the Lord of Life is worth it all!!!!!  Don't miss it!

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
                                                                                          Hebrews 12:1-2

 "Now we see through the mirror dimly but then we will see face to face.  Now we understand in part but then we shall understand fully."  
 1 Corinthians 13:1
                                                           Have a good day!  Love, Sue

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I am an indecisive woman.  When we go to restaurants, I am usually the last person to place an order.  When my husband asks what I'd like to do on the weekend, I respond like the vultures in Disney’s cartoon movie, Jungle Book, "I dunno know what you wanna to do?"  When I go shopping for clothes for myself, I shop, buy, bring them home and then return them.  Often, I repeat the cycle over and over with the consequence of rarely having new clothes.   I live in America so it is not because I can't find clothes, I just can't decide what to buy because the choices are overwhelming.

Many years ago, when I was the young mother of two small children, I had an experience that made me realize that I was always going to have a very specific choice to make. This choice would make or break the quality of every minute of every day.  It would influence every relationship in my life and would impact directly or indirectly every other decision I make until the day I die!
It was a beautiful summer afternoon in Northern Minnesota.  It was one of those somewhat rare but amazing days that are not too hot, not too cold and the bugs are held at bay for a few minutes.  My husband’s brother and sister-in-law and their family along with my mother and father-in-law were on their way to visit us and after they arrived we were all going to go on a picnic.

Going on a picnic always sounds like fun but they are a lot of work to prepare for.  I wasn’t the greatest cook in the world but I got busy (in between caring for a very active one year old and a precocious four year old) and made some potato salad and coleslaw. After covering them with Saran Wrap, I continued my chore and prepared hamburgers and hotdogs to cook over a fire at the park where we were going to spend the day.  I also had to make some cookies and bars because what is a picnic without the good stuff!

I wasn’t quite finished by the time everyone arrived but I was feeling quite proud of myself for having gotten so much food ready in a short time.  Besides that, miracle of miracles, it all looked and tasted good.  I called my husband in from outside where he was busy greeting his loved ones and asked him to help me carry all the picnic stuff out to the car.  Trying to be helpful and considerate, he grabbed the two bowls of salad and hurried away.  I loaded up my arms with the containers of hotdogs and hamburgers and followed him.

I fumbled around trying to open the front door with my arms full and finally made it through. As I let the door slam shut behind me and stepped out onto the porch, I looked up to see my husband opening the trunk of the car.  I watched in mounting horror as he threw the trunk lid up and the two bowls of salad that he had placed on top of it flew into the air and landed face down on the driveway!  The Saran Wrap disappeared and there lie my good tasting, good looking, time consuming, and mother-in-law impressing salads on the ground looking like someone had had a bad case of the stomach flu!

As I stood there frozen in place, I will never forget the split second conscious decision that I made.  In that micro-millisecond space of time I knew that I could either laugh at the obviously funny predicament that my husband found himself in and release any unwanted tension for the day or….. I could choose to get mad at him for talking to his brother and not paying attention to what he was doing…… consequently making a more work for me!

I knew for sure that I had a choice to make.  It was mine alone to decide how I would react.  That split second is forever imbedded in my memory because it was the first time that I really understood both the freedom and the obligation that I have to choose my reaction in any situation whether pleasant or adverse. 

It was literally as if I was standing there with an angel and a demon perched one on each shoulder whispering in my ear.  You’ve seen illustrations like this before, I’m sure.  One was saying “Oh my, how funny was that!  You should laugh and everyone will be happy and have a fun day.  We’ll eat what we have and this will be a good memory for everyone.”  The other was saying, “Come on!  You worked so hard to make it nice for your husband’s family and this is how he repays you?  I mean really, he could have paid closer attention to what he was doing!  You should get mad at him and make him pay!!!!”

I learned on this day that while I have no control over many of the things that happen to me in my life; I ALWAYS have control over my reactions!  I am ALWAYS given that split second in which to choose what that reaction will be.  I am given a choice to either react in a positive life affirming way or to give in to my baser instincts and pass out a judgment of some sort.  The decisions that I make regarding those choices have lasting repercussions and influence not just me but those around me.   But, I ALWAYS have a choice!  It NEVER fails! 

When my kids were small they listened to a recording of Music Machine, a children’s musical sung by the Agapeland singers.  One song has wormed its way into the core of my very being and is played there repeatedly.  The words go something like this….

Once I had a knot in my shoe
And it would not come loose.
I tried and tried and tried and tried
But it would not come loose.
I got so mad I hit the door
And stubbed my little toe….Eowww
If only I had had a little bit of self-control.

Self-control is just controlling yourself
It’s listening to your heart and doing what is smart.
Self-control is the very best way to go
So, I think that I’ll control myself!

I’m not sure that I should reveal which decision I made in regard to the picnic………...lets just say that tensions were high for the rest of the afternoon……..   

                         YOUR CHOICE

                                                     Have a good day!  Love, Sue